ISL UNILAG Basic 7 (JS1) Admission Exercise

The Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC), University of Lagos (UNILAG) has commenced the sale of Application Forms for the 2025 Admission exercise into BASIC 7 (JS1) of International School, University of Lagos (ISL).

The Application Form Fee is Twenty Thousand, Naira (₦20,000.00).

Procedure for Online Purchase of Application Forms:

1. Visit
2. Click on start application
3. Fill in the required information, click on I agree to terms of use and submit
4. A Family ID will be assigned. This ID will be required for your future logins to manage your child(ren)’s application
5. Login with the Family ID and click on create application
6. Fill in the required details, ensure accuracy of information provided and submit
7. Click on make payment
8. Payment can be done online or print payment advice and take to bank for payment
9. After payment continue application, ensuring that the candidate’s passport and birth certificate are uploaded.
10. Ensure accuracy of all information provided, prior to final submission.

Please note:
1. The ₦20,000.00 Application Form Fee is not refundable.
2. Closing date for the submission of completed Application Form is Wednesday, 23rd of April 2025.
3. Candidates who will not attain the age of 10 years by Friday, October 31, 2025 WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR ADMISSION.
4. Candidates will sit for the entrance examination in the following areas: English Language/Verbal Aptitude; Mathematics/Quantitative Aptitude; and General Knowledge with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
5. Past questions are available for pick-up at no cost from HRDC and ISL upon production of evidence of application form payment.
6. Examination Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025; Time: 9:00a.m. and Venue: International School, University of Lagos (UNILAG)

For Enquiries, please call: 07080109207, 07038712014, 08023368790, 08033967784, or 08023418485.

ISL Admissions

To be eligible for admission into Year 7, candidates must be 11 years old by the year of admission.

All prospective candidates under-go entrance examination. Examination location and dates are usually communicated as at when due.

“I love my job and am very thankful for the opportunity that I have to seek purpose and help others find theirs in a global company. None of this would have been possible without the foundation of leadership I was given as a class prefect over multiple years in my JSS/SS sojourns, and as the Headboy of the class of 99 graduating set. The educational rigor prepared me for my undergraduate & postgraduate degrees in Engineering, Business and Education, and the exposure to inter school academic/sport competitions/social clubs prepared me for handling increasing levels of leadership responsibility” I’m a proud alumnus of ISL.

Dr Olumoroti Balogun, ’99
Global Head, Organization & Talent Development, , General Electric, USA